Artist Residency Programme

The Nordic Art Association (NKF) runs a residency programme in their guest studio centrally located in Stockholm, Sweden. Each year an Open Call opens in August for residencies the following year. Artists, curators, cultural workers or art instiutions based in Stockholm or the Stockholm Region are welcome to apply to host a colleague, collaborator, peer, conversation partner or exhibitor for a residency. Unfortunately it is not possible to apply without a host. 


Who can apply?

The residency is open for locally based artists, curators, researchers, cultural workers and art institutions based in Stockholm or the Stockholm Region wishing to invite a collaborating guest to Stockholm, either at either at a research stage or coinciding with a public presentation or producing work for an exhibition. The invited guest/guests may work across all art forms and creative practices and at all stages of their careers. Small families/partners are welcome to join. Unfortunately we cannot host pets.


Residency and public dissemination

Between eight and ten residencies are offered each year. The residencies normally run over the course of four weeks. However, if a project requires a shorter or longer stay this is also possible (please state this in your application). NKF encourages a public dissemination during the residency, although this is not required. A public dissemination may take many forms, such as a presentation over breakfast, a dinner, an open studio, a walk, or a moderated talk and/or in collaboration with other local institutions. NKF strives to create dialogues and connections between the residency guest/guests and local networks, art practitioners and institutions. 



Currently NKF cannot offer funded residencies. We are, however, happy to provide invitations letters for external funding applications.

Since NKF is a nonprofit organisation where the board members run and maintain the residency on a voluntary basis, NKF relies on a local artist/curator/cultural worker to receive and “host” a residency guest. This means that an applicant cannot propose themselves but needs to be in a dialogue with a cultural worker in Stockholm who, in turn, applies for their guest/guests to participate in the residency . For example; a local cultural worker (i.e artist, curator, researcher )who resonates with the practice of a cultural worker based elsewhere may apply for this person to take part in a residency at NKF. Or a local art instiution may apply for a curator or artist with whom they are working with, either at a research stage or in paralell with an exhibition. Contingent on the proposed project, the host and guest may choose to live and work together at NKF’s guest studio or not. 


NKF's residency programme

NKF is a nonprofit organisation run by artists and curators. NKF supports the development of current projects, interdisciplinary collaborations and research, as well as the blossoming and unfolding of new ideas and work. NKF cherishes processes where experimentation can occur, and where focus need not always be on a final outcome or a “traditional” production cycle. The residency is a centrally located in a building dating from the 1680s at Nytorget in Stockholm. The residency consists of a large studio space and basic living quarters, including a fully equipped kitchen, living room, bathroom with washing machine and a bedroom. The building has a cultural-historical value and was initially built as a textile factory accompanied by gardens. Today Nytorget is an urban area, and in the hands of the city, the building has undergone restorations to be used as emergency housing, a hospital, and a primary school. Since the 1960s, the premises have served as artists' studios, today housing about twenty studios for artists. A residency at NKF’s guest studio entails time and space for cultural workers to focus on and develop their professional practice whilst residing in an intimate environment. 



Residency applicants are selected by NKF’s executive and advisory board, consisting of professional artists and curators working in Sweden and internationally. NKF aims for a residency programme that is open, inclusive and welcoming to all and continues to converse and develop how they work towards achieving greater equality and representation in the constellation of the board and residency guests. NKF encourages slow travel where possible. Unfortunately NKF cannot provide feedback on applications.


Key points:

  • An applicant based in the Stockholm Region applies for an international or national residency guest/guests. The applicant acts as a local host for the guest/guests during the stay
  • Successful applicants (artist and curators etc) pay a fee of 2000 sek in booking and administration fees at the latest two months before the residency begins. The fee for institutions is 6000 sek
  • Cancellations later than two months before the residency can unfortunately not be refunded
  • NKF are happy to provide letters of invitation for external funding applications
  • The Open Call open in August 2024
  • The deadling is in September 2024
  • All granted applicants will be announced on NKF’s web-site, newsletter and through social media in November 2024


NKF provides:

  • A guest studio (100m2) consisting of a large studio and joined apartment that can accommodate 1-3 guests. In the bedroom there are two single beds and a large sofa in the living room. Partners/children are welcome. Unfortunately, animals are not allowed
  • A presentation of the residency guest and the proposed work/ongoing project through NKF’s newsletter, web-site and social media channels
  • The support from a board member in conjunction with one public presentation during the residency as well as lighter refreshments and snacks for this event. Please note that NKF’s board members work on a voluntary basis
  • Where possible, suggestions of and the interlinking with local artists, curators and institutions that may resonate with the residency guest’s/guests’ practice


For further information and any questions please contact:


NKF is run with support from the City of Stockholm. In addition, the organization continuously runs external projects with funding from such funders as Kulturkontakt Nord, Kulturrådet, and Kulturbryggan, Region Stockholm.
