Ibai Gorriti brings Futch Yatching Club

Event type: 
The Nordic Guest Studio
5 Aug 2024 to 2 Sep 2024

NKF are happy to welcome artist Ibai Gorriti to Stockholm for a month-long residency, in a newly started collaboration with Hangar, Center for Artistic Production and Research, in Barcelona, and Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation. Ibai Gorriti works in the fields of design and contemporary arts, researching the gentrification of dissent, the notion of safe spaces and the construction of sanity in the West. Their practices have focused on critical institutionalities, participatory instances and performances. During COVID-19, they ran FUTCH club, a project space in Raval for artists and activists to gather. They have previously collaborated with DIS and Mohammad Salemy, as well as the research group Art, Architecture and New Materialisms. Gorriti was a guest curator at the 5th Barcelona Queer Festival and has participated in public programs at Tate Exchange (London), Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin), documenta fifteen (Kassel) and Centre Pompidou (Paris), among others.

Futch Yatching Club will take place at Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation on August 22nd, 18:00

Futch Yatching Club
On the occasion of their summer residency, Ibai Gorriti will be bringing back FUTCH club as an experimental and very temporary autonomous zone where to share the writings and ideas they have been working on over their time in Stockholm, along revisiting thoughts on collectivities and so-called safe spaces. This evening gathering situation, disguised as a Yatching Summit, aims to function as an invitation for the exchange of desires, struggles and strategies around economic precarity and planetarily survival through the lens of “queer”, “crip” and “mad” body politics, and the potentials of textuality to unsettle such normativity.

This residency is enabled through a collaboration between NKF Sweden, Hangar, Center for Artistic Production and Research, and Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation. It is supported by Stockholm City and Institut Ramon Llull.