Findings in the Northern Norwegian landscape: materials registered in photography and sculpture.
Artist talks with Silje Figenschou Thoresen, at Marabouparken, and Morten Torgersrud at NKF, Nytorget 15A. > > > se svenska längre ner!
August 10th, we invite you to a day where both presents their art works.
It is an afternoon at the guest studio, NKF and in collaboration with Marabouparken konsthall where Silje Figenschou Thoresen is currently showing both structures and drawings in the exhibition – härifrån strök gränsen mot nordväst i en båge [from here the border stretched to the northwest in an arc].
- 15:00 The day starts at Marabouparken, with a conversation between Silje Figenschou Thoresen and director Helena Holmberg.
- After the conversation a joint journey goes, by commuter train, to the NKF – Nordic Art Association’s guest studio, at Nytorget 15A
- 17:00 at NKF, a conversation between artist Morten Torgersrud and curator Sara Rossling about his new project that tries out different ways of assembling photographs.
- Everyone is welcome to stay at NKF for an informal dinner
At NKF Morten Torgersrud will present a larger sketch material from a work that is under development. The new project tries out different ways of assembling photographs, which will also include previous works, as well as material from the local photographic history in the Kirkenes area.
Sara Rossling
As a curator, I value collaborations and learning processes and engage in artistic responses to societal issues and public space, histories, climate change, cross-disciplinary thinking, and decolonial thought.
I am an independent curator and writer currently based between Malmö and Stockholm. I have curated and co-curated exhibitions, projects, and public programs in museums and art spaces in Sweden and internationally and worked at institutions such as Iaspis/ the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, the Public Art Agency Sweden, and the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm. Since 2020, I have worked part-time with public art, often with ArtPlatform. In addition, I have initiated and co-run residencies and research-oriented programs in various formats.
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Fynd i nordnorska landskap: material registrerade i fotografi och som skulptur.
Konstnärssamtal med Silje Figenschou Thoresen, på Marabouparken, och Morten Torgersrud på NKF, Nytorget 15A.
Den 10e augusti bjuder vi in till en dag då båda presenterar sina konstverk.
Det är en eftermiddag på NKFs gäststudio och i samarbete med Marabouparken konsthall där Silje Figenschou Thoresen för tillfärllet visar både strukturer och teckningar i utställningen – härifrån strök gränsen mot nordväst i en båge.
- 15:00 Dagen börjar i Marabouparken med ett samtal mellan Silje Figenschou Thoresen och konsthallschef Helena Holmberg.
- Efter samtalet åker vi tillsammans med pendeltåget till NKF – Nordiska Konstnärsförbundets gästateljé vid Nytorget 15A.
- 17:00 på NKF: Morten Torgersrud och curator Sara Rossling samtalar om Torgersruds nya projekt som prövar olika sätt att sätta ihop fotografier.
- Alla välkomna att stanna på en informell middag.
På NKF presenterar Morten Torgersrud ett större skissmaterial från ett verk som är under arbete. Det nya projektet prövar olika sätt att sätta samman fotografier, som också inkluderar tidigare verk, likväl som material från den lokala fotografihistorien i området runt Kirkenes.
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